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Networks of Culture and Care: Promoting Mental Health in Cidade de Deus


partnership: support:


The project is an initiative of the Construindo Juntos Research Collective in partnership with People's Palace Projects do Brasil, based on the use of the methodology employed in the research “Cultural Strategies in Manguinhos”, carried out in the Manguinhos neighborhood between 2021 and 2022. This research was carried out by People's Palace Projects do Brasil, by the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Mental Health and Psychosocial Care (LAPS) of the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz), by the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil (CPDOC) of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation and by researchers from the Manguinhos favela. The project mapped and cataloged around 40 different cultural initiatives, resulting in an online catalog distributed among the favela's residents. The use of the methodology originally used in the “Cultural Strategies in Manguinhos” project in this project already demonstrates its high potential for replicability. The methodology, already consolidated, foresees dialogue with local work and research methodologies, as well as broad involvement of the community and local culture and makers.



This project aims to map and catalogue organizations and initiatives led by individuals or collectives in the Cidade de Deus neighborhood that develop strategies for social and artistic-cultural mobilization and that, from a comprehensive health perspective, promote mental health in the territory. The project aims to understand sociocultural experiences, interpreting them as privileged devices for care, social inclusion and structuring of rights, and to expand networks for the construction of knowledge and social action.


Support from Tufts University, the Integrated Health Plan in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro and the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development in Health – FIOTEC



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