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Building Together

              Research Collective

Promoting knowledge from the urban periphery in the social sciences

Building Together
Research Collective

The Building Together Research Collective's mission is to bring voice and legitimacy to “knowledge from the periphery" or the knowledge and ways of seeing the world of people from marginalized urban neighborhoods. We are a partnership between American and Brazilian academics and neighborhood residents. We are based in Boston, Massachusetts and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Our research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. All research is created with leadership and participation of residents of urban peripheries, with the purpose of creating information that can help to promote the well-being of these communities.

Our Projects

Participatory Action Research


Our Supporters

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Contact Us

Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil

Department of Sociology, Tufts University

Medford, MA 02155


Thank you for your interest!

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